Twitter Throttle

One of my biggest pet peeves on Twitter is when people I follow slam Twitter with a bunch of tweets in a short time. Maybe I’m the only one, but it’s definitely the #1 reason I stop following people. I don’t want a single user completely taking over my Twitter page…

With this in mind, I decided to write a GreaseMonkey script today to address the problem. I call it Twitter Throttle, and what it does is hides (and groups if they’re in a row) tweets when a user has more than one tweet on my screen at the same time. It will then also add however many older tweets are needed to have the correct total viewable on the page. So, for example, if there are 5 tweets that are hidden (because the user that made the tweet has already made a tweet that is currently being displayed) then it will pull in the 5 previous tweets that are by users not yet represented on your page. This effectively ensures that if there are 20 items on the page there will be at least 20 different users on the page as well. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like in use:


Clicking on the links will display the tweets in case you still want to read them. I’ve posted the script here if anyone is interested. Be sure to set your twitter username and password in the script (used in the API call to add in older tweets to fill in for the hidden ones). Let me know if you have any feedback.

Posted in Code, Javascript | Tagged , , | 24 Comments

Ubiquity: Compete Stats

I wrote yet another command for Ubiquity. This one allows you to do a search on Compete for the site you’re currently on. Simply subscribe to the command here to add it to your command list.

Once you’ve got the command installed you can check a sites stats by opening Ubiquity (CTRL+SPACE) and typing “compete”. You can also add “mv” for monthly page views or “uv” for unique visitors. If neither is specified it will default to Compete’s default (uniques). Hopefully someone else will find it useful.

Feedback welcome.

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Smaller Portions at Restaurants

I may be crazy, but I would really love to see more portion options at restaurants. Specifically, I think it’d be really great to see 1/2 or 1/4 size portions available for all entrees on the menu. These could serve two primary purposes:

First, many people don’t want as much food as the default offers. Maybe I’m not that hungry tonight…maybe it’s just the restaurant has huge portions. In either case I think a lot of people would like this option.

The second is for people that can’t decide between multiple dishes or want to have more variety. I’ve definitely had occasions where I’d love to have 2 different entrees and being able to order 2 different 1/2 orders would make a lot of sense to me.

Many other industries are moving to more personalization and more options. I really think this relatively minor change could have a significant impact on the restaurant business. Who wouldn’t love the ability to better customize their portions or mix and match food?

Posted in Random Ideas, Rants | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Ubiquity: Twitter Search

I recently wrote another command for Ubiquity. This one allows you to do a Twitter search. Simply subscribe to the command here to add it to your command list.

Once you’ve got the command installed you can perform a Twitter search by simply opening Ubiquity (CTRL+SPACE) and typing “twitter-search [search term(s)]”. Another simple one, but it saves me a little time and maybe someone else will find it useful.

Let me know what you think.

Posted in Code, Javascript | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


It’s easy to get distracted by your competitors. When you’re in an emerging space in particular, you constantly feel the strain of every success that your competitors have. Your instinct is to prevent this by knowing what your competitors are up to and then beat or match them on all fronts so that they no longer have an advantage over you.

Unfortunately, this never works.

If you’re chasing the competition you’ll never pass them – by definition really. How can you ever beat the competition if you’re always just trying to match or beat them at their own game? In the end this will stress the team and you’ll always be #2 (or worse) in your space. Not a good solution…

So what should you do about competition? Ignore them. Ignore them as much as possible. Ultimately you should listen to your user base to determine the direction you should take, not your competition. In some cases your users will tell you that they want a feature your competitor has…great! Give it to them. The key thing though is that you only provide them with the features they ask for. In a weird way this actually makes you more efficient because if your competitors come up with a really great feature you’re still aware of it and can integrate some version of it into your own product(s). On the other hand though, if they waste their time on a feature that turns out to be a flop, you never need to worry about it (since presumably your users won’t push for this) and you don’t have to waste the resources to develop the stuff that didn’t work out.

The average guy at your startup should not be worrying about what the competition is up to. Instead it is important to foster an environment of internal competition and support – encouraging your team to excel by a little friendly competition between the ranks. Also, competition against yourself is important. Tracking performance, making goals, and following progress over time all help to push people a little bit futher and keep people performing at their peek.

Ultimately, this is not so black and white though. It’s important for the people at the planning/strategy level to have some idea where the market is going and what the competition is doing in order to best take advantage of your opportunities. The key thing here is to not get boxed in to competing at your competitors game, but instead to change the rules and compete in the game that you have the advantage in. For instance, if your competitors have considerably more development resources at their disposal than you do then you shouldn’t compete on a feature level. You’ll never be able to keep up and beat them to the punch line on key features – and on the off chance you do, they’ll be able to “catch up” quickly, and the advantage will end up being trivial. A better solution would be to find the area that you have the advantage in and make that the playing field. For example, if you have strong business development skills and connections, then make the game all about distribution. Play up the deals you make and make a point throughout your site/blog/company culture that you’re all about distribution and playing with the big guys. On sales calls really key into the distribution you have and (if it comes up) downplay trivial or meaningless features the competition has built. You have to change the game so that it plays to your strengths instead of your competitors…after all, it’s really tough to win a game that the opponent can define the rules for.

So don’t let yourself fall into the trap of getting distracted by competitors. Leverage the work they do by drawing on your community and put your primary focus on your users instead. At the strategic level, define your own set of rules to compete on that play to your advantages and highlight this throughout your communications. Competition can be crippling or it can bring enormous energy to a company. Ensure that it makes your team thrive.

Posted in Entrepreneurship | Tagged | 9 Comments

Challenge Each Other

In a small startup or any small team it’s very important for all members to challenge one another and keep people from getting comfortable. The tough thing is to find the delicate balance that forces people to push themselves just enough that they’re performing at their best without going to far to cause serious stress or a mindset of impossibility. The challenge should keep someone from getting comfortable, keeping things just out of reach so that one is always trying to reach just a little bit further.

So what are you doing to challenge the rest of your team? Are you actively trying to push your coworkers to perform just a little better? If you manage anyone, what are you doing to help them grow and keep them performing at their best?

Challenge is one of the great things that come out of working in a small team. Don’t cut your team mates short by skimping on this. Push them, and yourself, further.

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Power Twitter

Been playing with Power Twitter recently and I love it! For those of you not already familiar with it, it’s a FireFox addon that builds on the UI to add a bunch of missing features (that Twitter should’ve already added).

Some of the features include:

  • Search right from your Twitter home page
  • Including all replies (including tweets that your @username is in the middle of the tweet instead of just at the beginning) on the replies tab
  • Expanding tinyurl style links to include the title of the page they link to
  • Embedding media directly in the Twitter interface instead of only through links (like twitpic)
  • Providing a mouseover on a user’s avatar to show their recent tweets (giving needed context sometimes)
  • And a few other nice odds and ends…

I included a few screenshots of some of these features above.

Overall this has proven to be a really great plugin from my usage so far. I find a lot of it is stuff that I didn’t realize how much I would use until I have it. I think it’s great that the Twitter community is active enough to modify the Twitter interface using FireFox addons, but it does raise a few questions about why the Twitter team isn’t integrating this stuff themselves.

In any case, if you use Twitter from the interface at much (and you browse in FireFox) I’d definitely recommend giving this addon a try.

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I just recently discovered PlayOn! which is a media server that allows you to stream content to your PS3 or Xbox from online sources like Hulu, YouTube, CBS, Netflix and others. Setup is super simple. Just download a small app to one of your computers on the same network as the console, install it, put in your credentials (for the sites that require it), and then browse to the new media server on your PS3. I literally was up and running in about 5 minutes.

So far I really love the service. I’m an active Netflix user and love the “Instant Watch” section. I used to run this through a computer hooked up to my TV, which worked, but was extremely clunky to use. There are separate boxes you can buy to have this same functionality, but why pay for new hardware when the PS3 is already hooked up, network ready, and fully capable. I also really like having Hulu and other mainstream media sites built right in. It’s just one more step in moving to the on-demand, internet ready media systems that are starting to take off.

The only downside to the software is that it’s not free. I’m currently using the free trial, and I’m told that the software will be ~$30 when it’s out of beta and no longer a free trial. A bit of a road block for some, I’m sure, but more than worth it for me to be able to do this completely seamlessly without adding another box to my living room setup.

I’m also planning to give Boxee a try soon. As far as I know there’s no way to stream this to the PS3, but I’d be willing to use a PC for this if it worked well enough. I’d also like to find a nice way to watch video podcasts on my PS3…anyone out there doing this?

Overall a really great piece of software that is super simple to use. Definitely recommend it.

Posted in Great Stuff | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Allow For Creativity

I’m often surprised what other people come up with when given a bit of freedom. If you’re managing anyone be sure to give them a little room for creativity. What they come up with will surprise you and can generate a lot of new ideas. These ideas can then be built on by the rest of the team (if they also have a bit of freedom for creativity). What you end up with might be something totally new and different that you never would’ve come up with on your own and it’s even better because the entire team can “own” it.

Give your team a little room for creativity, and encourage it when it happens…you might be surprised what shakes out of it.

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I like to work…a lot. One of the dangers of being so passionate about your work is that it’s very easy to get overly wrapped up in it and let it completely take over your life. This of course, leads to burnout. Now I would not have considered myself “burnt out”, but rather just on the edge of burnout…riding it dangerously close, but still maintaining control (at least at some level). Then I read Micah’s recent post about burnout and had to re-examine my current condition. According to him, here are some telling signs that you are experiencing burnout:

  • You are tired all the time. No matter how much you sleep, you cant seem to “catch up.”
  • You complain more than usual. Everyone is a moron. You are the only person that can get the job done.
  • You snap at friends and colleagues. Since they can’t understand the workload you are under, or how unfair that workload is, you snap. You withdraw.
  • You start thinking about quitting. It has to be the company. There is a better job with less stress out there. I just made a bad choice of jobs.
  • You take little “breaks.” Today, I am going to nothing that pertains to my job. I know its Tuesday, and we have a release coming up, but I can catch up tomorrow.
  • When do you get home, you dont take care of personal business. Dude, I just worked for 12 hours straight. Why should I pay bills?
  • You wish you can, or you start, working from home more. There are less distractions (and people). I can work at my pace and I do a better job!

Upon reading this list I found that I suffered from more of these symptoms than not and decided maybe it was time to rethink my current burn out status. Turns out I was burnt out…and had been running on empty for some time. So what to do?

Luckily I happened to be in the middle of some unexpected time off from work and had already planned a mini-getaway with my girlfriend Katie. The idea was that our Christmas present to each other would be that we’d both “turn off” work for 2 or 3 days and spend some time with each other doing some of the stuff that we always talked about doing, but never got around to doing. This might sound trivial, but the truth is that neither of us are usually capable of “turning off” work for even a day…often even a few hours at the end of the day, so this was really a pretty drastic change for both of us.

We took a small trip to get away from our bad habits of home and just spent the time together trying to avoid any mention (or thought) of work. We also spent some time doing some of the things we never seem to find time for in our normal schedules, but always talk about doing. It was a really great experience for both of us and I had a wonderful time. I truly had no idea how burnt out I really was until after this trip.

So to all of you who, like me, think that you’re running on the edge of burnout, but still maintaining control – I would encourage you to take a day or two off. Completely turn off whatever is normally burning you out and see how you feel. You might just find that you’re a little more burnt out than you realized. And while when in this state it is incredibly hard to force yourself to take a full day (or more) out of the norm to get a handle on this, it really is worth it in the end. Not only is it necessary for your health/sanity, but it will make you more productive when you get back and you might find you make up for the lost time much sooner than you’d think.

So I turn it to all of you. How do you prevent burnout? And just as importantly, how do you know when you are burnt out?

Posted in Introspective | Tagged | 15 Comments