Crazy Day…

What a crazy day it’s been. Today was our launch into beta-ish (basically beta, but still a few kinks to work out…and since everyone now associates beta with something new and exciting rather than something not fully tested, thanks largely to Google, we are sticking with the “-ish” for a little longer). We’ve been running on little or no sleep for the last few days trying to get everything done in time. It’s finally starting to pay off though as today was a big day for us at Intense Debate.

First, David Cohen was nice enough to write up a great review of us on his blog on Colorado Startups which is also cross-posted to the TechStars Blog. Then, shortly after, Brad Feld wrote up a small post about us as well. And as if this wasn’t enough this same evening were were featured on TechCrunch too (and even on TechCrunch Japan). To add a little more stress, we also presented at the Boulder New Tech Meetup tonight.

These great write ups have introduced us to a lot of potential beta testers and given us tons of feedback on our product. There is definitely no better way to improve your offering than to just put it out there and let people play with it. The feedback of a real user is far more valuable than hours of playing with it yourself. Trust me, I can not emphasize this enough.

All in all we’ve made it through another day, ending much better than we started. All we need to do now is make every day as helpful as this one was…

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